Understand how much you need to save for retirement and when you can do so.
Two of life’s biggest questions are, “How much money do I need to save for retirement?” and, “When can I retire?” If you feel stuck answering these questions, we’re here to help. By evaluating your situation, we can help estimate how much you’ll spend in retirement, while adding in things that often gets forgotten.

Make informed financial decisions.
Making informed decisions can help you weather market volatility. You can expect your advisor to be there to coach you on things like investment decisions in retirement, sustainable withdrawal rates, and when to begin taking social security.

Gain insight on your employer retirement plan.
Every employer plan is unique, and some can offer unexpected benefits that help make the most of your money. Your advisor can go beyond answering the question of “Should I roll over my 401k?” and show you where it fits into the conversation of “When should I retire?”

Follow a tax-advantaged strategy for your existing accounts.
Maybe you’ve worked hard for years to put as much money as possible into a 401k. Or maybe you’ve saved taxable dollars into an individual or joint account. In the context of retirement, some of these accounts may potentially have large future tax implications. Your advisor can work with you to review these existing investment accounts and help you decide on different strategies you might not have considered.

Customized advice based on your full financial picture.
Retirement preparation is a marathon, not a sprint. The sooner saving for retirement starts, the better. We help our you determine when you’re ready to retire based on your situation and income needs and discuss other factors that affect life in retirement, such as:
-Pension income
-Expected income needs
-Social Security considerations
-Healthcare needs and Medicare
-Goals in retirement